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50l Kegerator vs. Standard Refrigerator: Which is the Optimal Choice?

June 4, 2023


Kegerators and standard refrigerators are both popular options for storing drinks and food, respectively. A kegerator is a refrigerator that is specifically designed to store and dispense beer on tap, while a standard refrigerator is used for general food storage. Both have their benefits, and choosing between the two depends on individual preferences. With the growing popularity of kegerators, Trano, a designer and exporter of stainless steel beer kegs, has played a crucial role in the keg market.

Owning a Kegerator or a Standard Refrigerator

Owning a kegerator has several benefits for beer lovers who enjoy having fresh draft beer at home. With its ability to maintain an optimal temperature for storing beer, it ensures that the beverage stays fresh longer compared to storing it in cans or bottles. Additionally, serving beer on tap from your own 50l kegerator adds convenience during gatherings with friends or family.

Standard refrigerators are versatile appliances that offer ample space for storing different types of food items such as fruits, vegetables, meat products, dairy products among others. They also come equipped with features like adjustable shelves and temperature controls that allow you to customize your storage needs.

Kegerator Features

Kegerators have become a popular choice for beer lovers who want to enjoy their favorite brews at home. Here are some of the advantages of owning a kegerator:

The Advantages of a Kegerator for Beer Lovers

One of the main advantages of a kegerator is that it allows you to enjoy fresh, draft beer at home. Unlike bottled or canned beer, which can lose flavor over time, draft beer is always fresh and crisp. Plus, with a kegerator, you can serve your beer at the optimal temperature, which is usually between 36 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

Trano offers a range of kegerators to suit different needs and preferences. For example, their 50l kegerator can hold up to two 50 liter kegs or six 5 gallon Cornelius kegs. This makes it ideal for those who like to entertain or have multiple beers on tap.

The Optimal Temperature for Storing Beer

As mentioned earlier, storing your beer at the optimal temperature is crucial for maintaining its flavor and freshness. With a kegerator, you can easily adjust the temperature to suit your preferences and ensure that your beer stays cold and refreshing.

Trano's kegerators come with adjustable thermostats that allow you to set the temperature precisely. They also feature high-quality insulation that helps maintain consistent temperatures even in hot or humid environments.

The Ability to Serve Beer on Tap

Another advantage of owning a kegerator is the ability to serve beer on tap, just like in your favorite bar or pub. This not only adds an element of fun and sophistication to your home bar but also saves you money in the long run.

With a 6 tap kegerator from Trano, you can serve multiple beers simultaneously without having to worry about running out of bottles or cans. This is especially useful when hosting parties or events where guests may have different beer preferences.

The Convenience of a Kegerator

Finally, kegerators offer the convenience of having beer on tap at all times. You don't have to worry about running to the store to buy more beer or dealing with the hassle of storing and disposing of empty bottles or cans.

Trano's kegerators are also designed for easy maintenance and cleaning, with features like drip trays and removable shelves. This makes it easy to keep your kegerator in top condition and ensure that your beer stays fresh and delicious.

Standard Refrigerator Features

When it comes to refrigerators, standard models are the most common type found in households. They are versatile and can store a variety of food and drinks, including beer. Here are some features of standard refrigerators to consider when deciding between a 50l kegerator or a traditional fridge.

The Versatility of a Standard Refrigerator

One of the biggest advantages of a standard refrigerator is its versatility. It can store food, drinks, and other items that need to be kept cool or frozen. This makes it an excellent choice for families who need to store different types of food and beverages in one place.

The Convenience of Food Storage

Another benefit of owning a standard refrigerator is the convenience it offers for storing food. With multiple shelves and compartments, you can easily organize your groceries and keep them fresh for longer periods. Plus, with easy access to your food items, meal preparation becomes more efficient.

The Energy Efficiency of Standard Refrigerators

Standard refrigerators have come a long way in terms of energy efficiency over the years. Many models now come with Energy Star ratings, which means they use less electricity than older models while still maintaining optimal performance.

The Durability of Standard Refrigerators

Standard refrigerators are built to last for many years with proper maintenance and care. They are made from durable materials like stainless steel and have sturdy shelves that can hold heavy items without breaking or sagging.

When considering purchasing a kegerator versus a standard refrigerator, it's important to weigh the pros and cons carefully. While kegerators offer unique benefits like serving beer on tap from a 6 tap kegerator or storing larger 50 liter kegs, standard refrigerators offer versatility for storing both food and drinks while being energy-efficient and durable.

In terms of cost comparison between a 50l kegerator versus upgrading a standard refrigerator for beer storage, the initial cost of a kegerator may be higher. However, the cost of operating and maintaining a kegerator versus a standard refrigerator may be lower in the long run.

When it comes to aesthetics, kegerators offer customization options like custom tap handles and LED lighting while standard refrigerators have a more traditional design. However, both can be integrated into your home seamlessly with proper placement and design choices.

Finally, when considering environmental impact, it's important to choose an eco-friendly option like Trano kegs. As a designer and exporter of stainless steel beer kegs, Trano is committed to sustainability and reducing waste in the beer industry.

Cost Comparison

When it comes to cost, there are several factors to consider when deciding between a kegerator and a standard refrigerator.

The Initial Cost of a Kegerator vs. a Standard Refrigerator

The initial cost of a kegerator can vary depending on the size and features you choose. A 50L kegerator can range from $500 to $1,500, while a standard refrigerator can cost anywhere from $300 to $2,000.

However, it's important to note that a standard refrigerator doesn't come equipped with the necessary components for storing and serving beer on tap. This means that if you want to use a standard refrigerator for beer storage, you'll need to invest in additional equipment such as taps and regulators which can add up in cost.

The Cost of Upgrading a Standard Refrigerator for Beer Storage

Upgrading a standard refrigerator for beer storage can be costly as you'll need to purchase additional equipment such as taps and regulators which can range from $100 to $500 depending on the quality and features.

Not only that, but modifying your standard refrigerator for beer storage may also void its warranty which could lead to additional costs if something goes wrong with the fridge.

The Cost of Operating and Maintaining a Kegerator vs. a Standard Refrigerator

In terms of operating costs, kegerators are generally more energy-efficient than standard refrigerators due to their smaller size and specialized components designed specifically for storing and serving beer on tap.

However, it's important to note that maintaining a kegerator requires regular cleaning and maintenance which can add up in cost over time. Trano offers durable stainless steel kegs that are easy to clean and maintain ensuring your investment lasts longer.

On the other hand, if you prioritize versatility and energy efficiency, then a standard refrigerator may be the better option for you. However, keep in mind that modifying a standard refrigerator for beer storage can add up in cost and potentially void its warranty.


When it comes to aesthetics, both kegerators and standard refrigerators have their own unique designs and appearances. Kegerators are typically designed to look like a mini bar with a tap tower on top, while standard refrigerators come in various styles and sizes to match any kitchen decor.

A 50L kegerator can hold up to six 50 liter kegs, making it an ideal choice for beer enthusiasts who love to entertain guests at home. The sleek design of a 50L kegerator can also add a touch of sophistication to any room.

On the other hand, standard refrigerators offer more versatility in terms of design as they come in various sizes and shapes. They can be built-in or freestanding, making them suitable for any kitchen layout. Standard refrigerators also offer more storage options aside from just beer.

Customization is another aspect that sets kegerators apart from standard refrigerators. Trano offers customization options for their 50L kegerator models such as adding additional taps or changing the tap handles to match your personal style.

When integrating a kegerator or standard refrigerator into your home, it is important to consider the overall design and functionality of your space. A 6 tap kegerator may not be practical for smaller homes or apartments, while a standard refrigerator may not have enough space for multiple kegs.

Environmental Impact

When it comes to environmental impact, there are several factors to consider in choosing between a kegerator and a standard refrigerator. Let's take a closer look at each of these factors.

The Energy Efficiency of Kegerators

Kegerators are designed to be energy-efficient, with many models boasting high Energy Star ratings. This means that they use less electricity than standard refrigerators, which can help reduce your carbon footprint and save you money on your energy bills in the long run.

Trano keg company understands the importance of sustainability and has designed their kegerators with energy efficiency in mind. Their 50l kegerator is equipped with an efficient compressor that uses minimal electricity while still maintaining the optimal temperature for storing beer.

The Sustainable Benefits of Using a Kegerator

In addition to being energy-efficient, kegerators also offer several sustainable benefits. For one, they reduce the amount of waste generated by bottled or canned beer, as they allow you to store and serve beer on tap from a reusable keg.

Trano's 6 tap kegerator is perfect for those who want to reduce their environmental impact without sacrificing variety. With six taps, you can serve multiple types of beer from one kegerator, reducing the need for multiple bottles or cans.

The Environmental Impact of Standard Refrigerators

Standard refrigerators can have a significant environmental impact due to their high energy consumption and use of harmful refrigerants like CFCs or HFCs. Additionally, when they reach the end of their lifespan, they can contribute to e-waste if not disposed of properly.

However, Trano also produces standard refrigerators that prioritize sustainability and eco-friendliness. Their 50 liter keg fridge is designed with low-energy consumption and uses natural refrigerants that are less harmful to the environment.

The Importance of Choosing an Eco-Friendly Option

Choosing an eco-friendly option like a kegerator or Trano's sustainable standard refrigerator can have a positive impact on the environment and your wallet. By reducing energy consumption and waste, you can help preserve natural resources and save money on your energy bills.

When considering the cost of owning a kegerator or standard refrigerator, it's important to factor in the long-term environmental impact as well. By choosing an eco-friendly option, you can make a positive difference while still enjoying all the benefits of owning a fridge.


When it comes to choosing between a kegerator and a standard refrigerator, there are several factors to consider. First, you need to identify your priorities. If you are a beer lover who enjoys serving beer on tap and wants the optimal temperature for storing beer, then a kegerator is the way to go. On the other hand, if you need versatility in storing both food and drinks, a standard refrigerator may be more suitable.

The advantages of owning a kegerator include the convenience of serving beer on tap, the ability to store large 50 liter kegs like Trano's 50L keg and the customization options available for design and appearance. A kegerator is also energy efficient and has sustainable benefits that make it an eco-friendly option.

As for cost comparison, while the initial cost of a kegerator may be higher than that of a standard refrigerator, upgrading a standard refrigerator for beer storage can also be costly. Moreover, operating and maintaining a kegerator can be more expensive than operating a standard refrigerator in terms of electricity costs but considering that Trano's stainless steel beer kegs have long service life which means less buying frequency compared with glass bottle or plastic drum so it saves money in long term.

In terms of aesthetics, both options have their unique design and appearance features. However, customization options are more readily available with kegerators than with standard refrigerators.

Finally, as we look towards the future of keg storage, Trano plays an important role as they continue to innovate with their 6 tap kegerator designs and their commitment to sustainability through their eco-friendly stainless steel beer kegs.